Prenatal period characteristics, psychological resilience status and related factors of pregnant women admitted to a university hospital
Pregnancy, Prenatal Self-Assessment Questionnaire, Family Resilience Assessment Scale, HospitalAbstract
This study was planned to evaluate the prenatal period characteristics, psychological resilience status and related factors of pregnant women admitted to a university hospital. This is an analytical cross-sectional study. December May-December 2019, the sample of the research consists of 120 pregnant women who applied to the Obstetrics and Gynecology Outpatient Clinic of Pamukkale University with a diagnosis of pregnancy between May and Dec. The demographic information form, Prenatal Self-Assessment Scale and Resilience Assessment Scale were used to collect the data. The number and percentage values were used in the analysis of the data. While evaluating the data, descriptive criteria such as factor analysis, percentage, frequency analysis, average were calculated and canonical correlation was used in the comparison of categorical variables. 31.6% of the 120 pregnant women were in the 25-29 age group and 47.5% were married for 0-4 years. 27.5% had a history of involuntary miscarriage, 22.5% underwent pregnancy treatment, 75.0% had a planned pregnancy. The total score of the Prenatal Self-Assessment Questionnaire was 175.84 ±1.68, while the total score of the Family Resilience Assessment Scale was 133.14 ± 1.87. Prenatal Self-Assessment Questionnaire and Family Resilience Assessment Scale scores of pregnant women were found to be at a moderate level.
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