Knowledge, attitudes and behaviours of medical faculty students about waste recycling
Recycling, Public Health, Medical Students, Environment, WasteAbstract
In this study, it was aimed to examine the knowledge, attitudes and behaviours of medical students about recycling in order to draw attention to waste management, which has become an important public health problem all over the world. The population of the descriptive study consists of 1240 medical students studying at Gaziantep University between 2022 and 2023. In this study, the minimum sample size was calculated as 384 people and 409 students were reached by applying a face-to-face questionnaire on a voluntary basis with the stratified sampling method. The questionnaire form, which was created by reviewing the literature, consists of questions to determine the sociodemographic characteristics of the students, the level of knowledge about recycling of wastes, and attitudes and behaviours related to recycling. The data obtained were analysed using SPSS 22.0 package programme. Results: 207 of the participants were female (50.6%), and the level of knowledge of female students (98.1%) about the definition of recycling was higher than that of male students (95.5%). 10.3% of the students who participated in the study stated that they do not reuse plastic bags and bottles and throw them away. The rate of sorting garbage at home for recycling was 33.2% for female students and 21.0% for male students. Of the students who stated that they never contributed to recycling, 73.3% (n=11) stated that they did not contribute because there were no recycling bins around them. In this study, it was concluded that medical students have sufficient knowledge about waste recycling, but their recycling behaviours are not sufficiently developed. As a result of this study, it is recommended that education should start in the family and continue until the university level and that medical faculty students should take responsibility for the environment.
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