Academia and well-being




Health, Well-being, Health Promotion, Academy, University


The World Health Organization (WHO) relates health and well-being and defines them with their physical, mental and social dimensions. According to WHO, well-being is a positive source of daily life for individuals and societies and, just like health, is affected by social, economic and environmental determinants. Well-being is related to both the quality of life and the ability of individuals and societies to contribute to the planet with meaning and purpose. Based on this, holistic efforts to promote health and well-being in academic life, including academics, students, administrators, university employees, and university campuses, have a positive effect on individuals, as well as the education, research and scientific production of universities. Investing in promotion of health and well-being in academia is one of the most important investments that strengthens universities’ benefits for society and their contributions at the local, national and global level. In order to protect and promote well-being in academia based on health promotion principles, we need multi-dimensional policies and practices, which are often not as difficult to implement as it seems, in addition to healthy communication, which is indispensable for academic life.


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How to Cite

Karadağ, Özge, & Orhon, E. N. (2024). Academia and well-being. HALK SAĞLIĞI ARAŞTIRMA VE UYGULAMALARI DERGİSİ, 2(1), 2–9.



Review Article