A health history adventure: Kırklareli health history house
Kırklareli, Health History House, AdventureAbstract
On October 29, 2023, when the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Turkey was celebrated, Kırklareli health community experienced different excitements while commemorating Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the leader of our struggle for independence and the founder of our Republic, and his comrades-in-arms with gratitude; Kırklareli Health History House was opened. Kırklareli Health History House is planned as an institution where the cultural heritage witnessing the province's health history adventure of nearly 100 years is collected, documented, and where the tools and equipment that are evidence of the historical development of health life are preserved and exhibited. Thus, a "house" affiliated to Kırklareli Provincial Health Directorate, where historical and cultural values are shared with the public space, has emerged. Kırklareli Health History House was founded on this historical heritage from the past to the present, and has been an exemplary work in collecting items and documents that will gain value over time, learning the story of the donated items and their owners, and passing them on to future generations. This house, which can pioneer similar activities, is also a kind of symbol of the respect shown to healthcare professionals.
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