The evaluation of some factors affecting COVID-19 disease protection information and scale compliance with isolation precautions values of nurses in a state hospital at Edirne city center
COVID-19, Knowledge Level, Isolation Precautions Compliance Scale, Nursing ProfessionAbstract
During the pandemic, healthcare professionals from various disciplines played a role in preventing the spread of COVID-19, protecting against the virus, diagnosing, treating, and monitoring the post-treatment process. Particularly, members of the nursing profession, as in other infectious diseases, had increased workloads and a higher risk of contracting the disease during the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, the aim of our study is to measure the adherence of nurses working in a public hospital in the central district of Edirne to isolation precautions, assess their knowledge about COVID-19 prevention, and identify certain factors influencing these aspects. The study, for which ethical approvals were obtained, is cross-sectional and was completed with the participation of 220 nurses from pandemic intensive care units, pandemic wards, emergency departments, and other units. For data collection, three tools were used: (1) a demographic information form, (2) a questionnaire to assess knowledge levels about COVID-19 prevention, and (3) the Isolation Precautions Compliance Scale (IPCS). Data were collected through face-to-face interviews between March 1 and November 1, 2021. The average age of the participants was 33.20±8.43 years, and 174 (79.1%) were female. A total of 86.4% of the participants stated that they had received training on COVID-19 prevention measures. The average IPCS score of the participants was 78.9±8.02. It was found that nurses working in emergency departments scored significantly lower in the total and sub-dimensions of the IPCS compared to those working in the other three units. Nurses who had received COVID-19 training had significantly higher IPCS scores than those who had not received training. Providing nurses working in hospitals with training on COVID-19 isolation precautions is vital for both worker and patient safety.
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