The birth of the reason, from poetics to apodeictic; the birth of medicine from sacred to etiology: Aristotle and Hippocrates




Poetika, Apodeiktik, Aristoteles, Hippokrates


Aristotle in philosophy and Hippocrates in medicine did not content themselves with the mythical and gave humanity the gift of explaining nature in its reality through rational deductions. Some of the people living on earth today continue to live their lives with the results of the scientific way of thinking pioneered by these two philosophers. Others are still dreaming of the day when they will discover the magic herb they believe exists in the mountains.


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How to Cite

Bakar, C. (2023). The birth of the reason, from poetics to apodeictic; the birth of medicine from sacred to etiology: Aristotle and Hippocrates. HALK SAĞLIĞI ARAŞTIRMA VE UYGULAMALARI DERGİSİ, 1(1), 3–16.



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