Improving cancer screening programs and promoting cancer awareness: A sample of local public health field practice




Cancer, Diagnostic Screening Programs, Public Health Practice, Promotion of Health


Breast, cervical, and colorectal cancer screening programs are conducted in Turkey, as the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends. Since 2004, October has been designated by the WHO as “Breast Cancer Awareness Month” to emphasize the importance of early diagnosis of breast cancer and breast cancer awareness. In this context, a field practice was implemented in 29 neighborhoods of Eyüpsultan between October 1 and 31, 2023, by a health team consisting of a dietician, an intern dietician, at least one midwife or nurse, at least three physicians, and intern physicians working at the Eyüpsultan District Health Directorate. The field practice is multi-stakeholder and structured, aiming to activate screening programs for breast, cervical, and colorectal cancer and increase cancer awareness in line with public health principles and policies. Three key elements were determined within the scope of the practice: interventions based on public health field practice, raising public awareness, and information for healthcare professionals. One vehicle was converted into a “Healthy Living Vehicle” for use in field practice. In this vehicle, the healthcare team provided cervical and colorectal cancer screening services. In addition, health education activities were carried out for the public on breast, cervical, and colorectal cancers. Besides height and weight measurements, body fat and muscle analysis, healthy nutrition, and physical activity counseling were provided. The number of cancer screenings was found to have significantly increased as a result of these initiatives. Comparing October to September, there were four times as many cervical cancer screenings performed, and Eyüpsultan emerged as Istanbul's third-highest cancer screening area. Comparing October to September, there were nine times as many colorectal cancer screenings. The studies carried out in this practice show that in community-based screening and preventive health services carried out for public health, local collaborations, inclusion of all stakeholders in the process, community participation, ensuring the participation of the opinion leaders of the district in the process by drawing their attention to the issue, gamification and reward mechanisms that can increase community participation, and effective use of digital technologies are very important.


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How to Cite

Halaç, Şeyma, & Kulak, E. (2024). Improving cancer screening programs and promoting cancer awareness: A sample of local public health field practice. HALK SAĞLIĞI ARAŞTIRMA VE UYGULAMALARI DERGİSİ, 2(2), 102–106.



Field Practises