Endocrine disruptors and their harms on human health
Endocrine Disruptors, Environmental Pollutants, Endocrine SystemAbstract
Endocrine Disruptors (EDs) are various substances that disrupt the functions of the endocrine system by affecting hormone synthesis and release. Following the widespread use of EDs after the industrial revolution, the negative effects of EDs on human health, especially in relation to industrial wastes and environmental pollutants, have begun to attract attention since the 1930s. As the recognition of EDs increases, more than 1600 EDs have been identified.
EDs, such as industrial wastes and substances that cause air pollution, are not taken into the organism in a single way, but the amount and dosage of the substances obtained as a result of ingestion as a cocktail may vary. Sometimes it may take years for the endocrine disrupting effect to appear. Somatic and genetic damage that may occur depending on the amount and duration of exposure when a person is exposed to EDs can significantly affect their health in the coming years. Meanwhile, EDs can affect our genes in the inheritance pathways and cause deterioration in the health of future generations.
EDs have physiological effects on the hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, adrenals and gonads, both directly through anatomical and hormonal axes. EDs also cause neurotoxicity; It has cardiovascular and metabolic side effects. Its effects on cancer development are also mentioned.
As a result, in order to be protected from the negative effects of EDs, it is necessary to know what EDs are, the damages they can cause in the organism and the doses at which these damages occur. Additionally, measures that can be taken to eliminate the side effects that occur should be reviewed. The social measures to be taken to protect against the negative effects of EDs should be clearly defined, and the legislation to be implemented and the paths to be followed should be clearly determined. A level of awareness should be created by educating individuals about EDs, and with this level of awareness, patients should be encouraged to take some precautions for their own health.
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