Knowledge levels of Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Medicine and PTR senior year students about the use of technology in health




Virtual Reality, Ethics, Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Education, Medical Education, Health Technology Assessment


The aim of this study is to determine the level of knowledge and the factors affecting the use of Visual Reality (VR), Health Technologies (HT) and Ethical Problems (EP) of the final year students of Medicine and Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation (PTR) faculties studying at Dokuz Eylul University (DEU) in the 2022-2023 academic year. Data were collected through face-to-face interviews with a questionnaire. The population of the research consists of last year students of PTR and Medicine faculties in 2022-2023 academic year. The number of last year students of Faculty of Medicine is 260, and PTR Faculty is 160. The population of the research is a total of 420 students. In the research, sample selection was not made and it was aimed to reach the all population. The total accessibility rate is 58% with 242 students. Statistical analyzes were performed with IBM SPSS 27.0 program. It was determined that only 23.6% of the students had sufficient knowledge level. A significant difference was found between female and male students (29% vs 17%) in having sufficient knowledge. Female students reached this value at a higher rate. A statistically significant difference was found between PTR and medical students in having sufficient knowledge (45% vs 14%). According to the logistic regression analysis, studying in the medical school increases the risk of not having sufficient knowledge about HT, VR and EP 2.97 times (95% CI 1.5-6.0) and not seeing VR practice in the field of health is 5.18 times (95% CI 2.5-10.6). About VR and EP in medical students; HT related deficiencies have been identified in PTR students. The reason for this missing information may be staying away from these technologies in the curriculum and internship practices or teaching and using only technologies specific to that profession. For this reason, it is recommended that medical and PTR students be given more comprehensive training on health technologies used in health services.


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How to Cite

Özdemir, G. G., & Kılıç, B. (2024). Knowledge levels of Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Medicine and PTR senior year students about the use of technology in health. HALK SAĞLIĞI ARAŞTIRMA VE UYGULAMALARI DERGİSİ, 2(2), 87–97.



Research Articles